
Independent Contractor Agreement – for a Term


Independent Contractors are often referred to as contractors or subcontractors. Independent contractors run their own business. They usually negotiate their own fees and working arrangements and can work for more than one client at a time.

If you are employing an Independent Contractor for a specific timeframe use the Independent Contractor – for a term Agreement. Australia has strict laws around the correct categorisation of Independent Contractors. We recommend that professional advice is obtained prior to purchasing an Independent Contractor Agreement.


The Newbi Contractor Agreement – Term defines and establishes the terms of the contractor relationship when an independent contractor is engaged for a set amount of time in your business. This template can generally be used to define a commercial relationship when working with a specialist, consultant, or freelancer on a contractual basis. It is a quality template, drafted by Australian legal experts.

If you need a Contactor Agreement for a project arrangement, click here.

Protect yourself from workplace disputes by ensuring all workers who are independent contractors are provided with a quality contractor agreement – term before they are engaged. Don’t make the mistake of waiting until your contractor has commenced, or until there has been a dispute. Now is the time to get their terms and conditions of engagement clarified and in writing.

The contractor agreement template should not be used if the worker is an employee as this arrangement could be sham contracting. Don’t be accused of sham contracting – read more about it here at the Fair Work site.

If you need an agreement for an employee, please see Newbi’s comprehensive range of Australian employment agreements for full-time, part-time or casual employees.

To complement your agreements, Newbi also offers a range of workplace policies. Either purchase single policies, or a Policy Suite.